Design & Fun

B-Reel – Claw Machine

B-Reel – Claw Machine

An arcade game that can win you an interview.

My Role  ☀   Designing a fun site for job seekers to win interviews. Illustrating sad, happy and existential inanimate objects.

Credits  ✏   Made at B-Reel with a dope team of producers, creatives, and developers.

Anton Woll Soder created an animated 3D world of Claw for the landing page.

Users have 2 chances to win a prize. Each prize correlates to a unique type of job interview. (I suggest winning the fried chicken interview).


After 7PM, the site enters Nite Mode, which is reminiscent of a bowling alley arcade.

I had a lot of fun making easter eggs for the play mode screen.

I also loved making iconography and patterns based off the concept of office-life-meets-claw-related-things.